GFWC Oregon Awards
Marion Gathercoal Membership Award
This is a traveling silver tray awarded to the club who has done the most to recruit and retain members through recruitment activities, as well as activities focused on supporting and encouraging members through positive activities. Clubs submit a narrative report detailing their activities in this area to the Membership Chairman who judges the reports.
Membership Award
This is a traveling plaque awarded to the club who has the largest percentage increase in membership for the club year. The Membership Chairman completes judging for this reward by reviewing increases in membership for clubs.
Clubwoman of the Year
This is a traveling plaque awarded to a member who has demonstrated outstanding service during the club year through their involvement with GFWC, OFWC, club, community and family. Nominations are submitted in narrative form by clubs or members to the Clubwoman of the Year for the previous year who judges and presents the award along with a small gift and Clubwoman of the Year pin.
Vona Pease Award
This is a traveling silver tray awarded to a member who has provided invaluable service to the State President over and above their stated duties. The current State President selects the recipient.
The Gold Key
The Gold Key is for meritorious service by a member. The key will be presented at the next State Convention after processing the completed application.
Oregon LEADS Candidate to GFWC Convention
The GFWC Leadership Education and Development Seminar (LEADS) program is intended to identify GFWC members at the grassroots level who have the potential and the desire to assume leadership positions in GFWC beyond their club. Participation in LEADS can help these members gain the capabilities, confidence and commitment necessary to pursue and achieve higher office and serve with distinction. The LEADS program is held annually the day before the official opening of the GFWC Annual Convention. It is a full day of activities, and includes breakfast and lunch. Members are required to have the endorsement of their clubs before submitting the LEADS form and letters of reference to GFWC Oregon to the State Leadership Chairman. A LEADS Candidate will be selected at the State Conference each year.
GFWC Oregon Contests
Contests are held at the State Convention in odd years - 2025, 2027, etc. See links for more information and forms.
Arts and Crafts Contest
Contestant must be a member of GFWC Oregon in good standing, be a nonprofessional in the entry category, and an Oregon resident. Contestants may submit one entry only in each division. Entries will be judged at the GFWC Oregon State Convention.
Categories: Painting (All media), Fiber Arts (Weaving, stitchery, crochet, knitting, quilts) Crafts (Ceramics, china painting, tole painting and other crafts) and Photography.
See form for more information.
GFWC Awards and Contests
GFWC sponsors a number of awards and contests for individual members, clubs, State Federations and individuals who may not be GFWC members. For more information, including contact information for the national chairmen, recommended contest ideas, rules, deadlines, and instructions on how to enter, read each Award or Contest’s section in the GFWC Club Manual.